Forum Guidelines
The forum follows the same code of conduct policy as the main Ecotenet site. Those guidelines can be found here but we will give an additional overview and forum specific guidelines below.
A short summary: Be nice. No harassment, trolling, or spamming.
General Rules
Please do not do any of the following:
Insult or harass other members.
Bump topics.
Derail topics.
Post links to phishing sites.
Post spam.
Create topics/replies for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forum.
Repost closed or deleted topics.
Repetitively post in the incorrect topic.
Post any topics/replies containing porn, offensive/inappropriate content or anything else not safe for work. This includes links to websites with that sort of content.
Pose threats of violence, harassment or blackmail (even as a joke).
Discriminate in regards to gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, income, race, national origin, or religion (or lack thereof).
Use abusive language, including swearing.
Create and use multiple accounts/sockpuppets.
Also remember:
Please avoid gratuitous negativity. Critical thinking is good; shallow cynicism, on the other hand, doesn't add much value to the community. If you have something important but negative to say, that’s fine, but please say it in a respectful way.
Not every new person knows where to find which information so try to be as helpful as you can.
Posting altered swears with asterisks or other symbols that are still recognizable as swears is considered swearing and is not allowed.
Moderation is at the complete discretion of the moderators. There’s no time to send out PMs to ask you to make certain changes and we won’t edit posts for you if we get that request.
Respect the privacy of PM (Personal Message) conversations, where what is acceptable is a matter for ALL parties and not just for one of the parties.
Please let the moderators do the moderating. If you see a person breaking the rules, just use the “Flag Post” button or simply ignore the offensive post(s).
If your post is deleted please check the General Rules (above).
Contact @moderators by PM if you have any questions about moderation.
Repeat Offenders
Repeat offenders of the above rules and guidelines will be warned or immediately banned. Any moderator has the ability to ban a user for violating the rules at their discretion.
In Conclusion: Please be kind. Thank you!